Sunday, October 7, 2007


"Ghandi Day" was this Tuesday. He's on every Rupee money bill. Ghandi brought India to Independance.


There are 1.7 BILLION people here. And you notice it right away. There are people everywhere. EVERYWHERE!

INDIA is the world's largest democracy. Indians value business and hard work. So many small businesses. There is a serious class difference here. Many rich, even more homeless. I can see homeless people who live under the bridge in front of the SAR.

INDIANS rule. Seriously, I wandered around town today and went to poor neighborhoods and rich neighbotborhoods. I stand out and people flocked around me. Not once did I feel like I wasn't welcome. The people of India are kind, smart and caring.

Channai used to be called Madras. The Brittish named the city and India changed the name to Chennai after they claimed independance. Chennai is the 34th largest city in the world, more people than Miami, and you've never heard of it have you?

Everyone calls me "sir" and I hate that cuz it makes me feel old.

In Chennai they speak TAMIL. It's a combo of English and a native language. Weird to hear cuz I understand like 25% of what they say.

Why do the people here bobble their heads? Don't get it.

I've been mistaken for an Australian like 7 times!! WOW that never happens. I thougth I had USA written on my forehead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello Mr Conchita,
Nice blog...and had an experience of a world tour...
I just wanted to correct a spelling mistake....Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi is our father of nation and its not "Ghandi" but "Gandhi"..